Monday, February 16, 2009

Who needs easy!

Does it help in life to be a single child? Yes and no.

No, because you're used to getting whatever you ask for. And as soon as things don't go your way, you get upset. Or angry. Or mean.

Yes, because you don't give up. If you really want something, you work on getting it. Breaking into tears, throwing a tantrum or pouting doesn't work that well beyond the age of five. So you have to work out other strategies: Charm people. Convince them with facts. Smile. And never ever give up.

Giving up is easy. Sitting down, wallowing, bathing in self-pity. Shrugging and accepting defeat. Whining and complaining how unfair life is. So easy.

Easy's not for me.


talldarkman said... a struggle....:P


inserachofmuse said...

sad is easy - Bravo!

saltyfish said...

yea, tdm, and sacrifices are part of it ...

sis, I had to borrow from you :)