Monday, July 15, 2013

Reality bites

I don't like to lie. Call it laziness, lack of imagination or whatever you think is apt. Of course I had a phase in my childhood (funny how everything seems to go back to one's early years) where I discovered the magic of lies. 

My parents asked me something and instead of telling them the truth which would doubtlessly get me into trouble, I served them a convenient lie. Ok, they'd say, and in my mind, I would go 'Huh. That was easy. Who knew.' I, the little child, had won a (however small) battle over the all powerful, all knowing parents. I got away with a lie, I avoided the ugly consequences the truth could entail. In the future, I used this trick more often because it was just so easy. Until one day, they knew. Mum knew. Nevertheless, she asked me. I lied, denied, made up a story, tried to cover up the results. But she knew and told me so. 

In the course of my life so far, there were often situations where a (white, grey or outright black, to stay with the colour metaphors) lie would have been the easy way out. Mostly, I chose the truth .. and regretted it occasionally. I'm far from perfect, in fact, I screw up as often as the next person. Disappoint friends, forget appointments, hurt loved ones and generally do things that I'm not proud of. 

If it concerns people I don't care much about, I might lie. Missed a dentist's appointment - 'Oh, sorry, I wasn't feeling well'. Late to class - 'Traffic was horrible today'. 
But when it comes to the people I feel close to, like, love, I tend to choose the truth. Even if knowing it might hurt them. Even if I leave it to them to deal with the facts. Even if it is something that I'm not proud of and that I'm emotionally detached from.

A few times, I later found out that someone close had lied to me. In retrospect, I questioned the entire relationship. Where else have they lied? Why did they have the impression it would be better to hide the truth from me? Was I imagining the closeness? Finding out about the lie hurt me and made me angry, a lot more than the ugliest truth would have. 

So besides being too lazy to cook up a storyline and stick to it, telling the truth is a question of respect in my eyes. Omitting information is a different matter to me though. If something doesn't matter anymore, I don't feel compelled to bring it up. If an answer is bound to hurt me, I will not ask the question. If it doesn't concern me, I don't need to know. If it's in the past, it doesn't influence my present.

(PS: I am well aware that this is not just a question of truth and lie. But since it happened and you asked, I had to be open about it - we have always been ourselves with each other. And I'm insanely sorry about having hurt you.)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Swing swing

The working title for this post was 'Mood swings' but that does not quite hit it. My mood doesn't swing all by itself, rainbow blues probably excluded. It is rather so that other people have quite a strong influence on it. Not random people of course - I'm not psychologically instable (I think) - but those close to me.

My mother is in a bad mood because her knees hurt or because my father exasperated her - I look for the fault in myself. 
My close friend is monosyllabic bordering taciturn because of a stressful day at the work she hates - I wonder what I might have done wrong.
You leave abruptly and with an unusually cold goodbye - I nearly cry myself to sleep from worry.

Why is it that the people around me influence my mood and my thoughts to that extent? Shouldn't I be stronger, more independent than that? Is it low self-esteem, not enough positive feedback at a young age? A mix of all I reckon. 

So dear readers, if you have children, please encourage, support and reinforce them, they'll need it.

Monday, July 8, 2013


The spring from my step,

The spark from my face,

The smile from my eyes,

The lightness of my being.

Bring them back!