Friday, February 18, 2011

The way we are

...actually the way I am but the "we" kind of sounds better.. now where did I steal that title...?

This is how my posts come to life: An idea comes to my mind, I think on it and then decide to write about it. While writing, I feel that I should add this or without that, it wouldn't be complete or this part should definitely be analysed. And then it goes way beyond that idea I first had in my mind. I reckon that 12 years of school and n years of university have spoilt me, have corrupted my way of briefly expressing my thoughts. You got graded better if you elaborately rolled out your ideas and chewed on them for pages and pages instead of just saying what you wanted to say and be done with it. Oh and a conclusion of course.. So there, blame it on education!


talldarkman said...

An illiterate father and his educated son go on a camping trip. They set up their tent and go to sleep in it.

Soume hours later, the father wakes up his son and asks ..look up, what do you see?

Son : I see a million stars

Father : And what does it tell you?

Son : Astronomically, it tells me that there are a million galaxies and stars up there, and we are a very tiny inconsiderable speck in this universe.

Father remails silent for a moment, and then says...Idiot, someone has stolen our tent.

Moral : Education ruins our common sense. ;)


saltyfish said...

exactly my point :D