Sunday, January 18, 2009

A question to nature

Dear Nature,

What is the deal with common colds? What exactly were you thinking when you invented them?

Natural disasters - your way of telling us that we don't own the earth and shouldn't be that careless with it. The plague - too many people living together under bad hygienic circumstances that should be remedied asap. AIDS - again, you people are too careless, take precautions please! Making us unattractive after a certain age - easy, you want to say that the ideal time for reproduction is over.

But common colds? It's not a deadly disease even though at some stage one is inclined to think so, hence it is not meant to diminish the population. It does not reduce fertility and it is highly infective. One feels like puked out, breathing hurts, coughing hurts, sneezing hurts, all I want to do is sleep and drink sweet tea... and after a few days, it's over, as suddenly as it came.

So please, dear Nature, be so kind and tell me what your intention here was. Thank you in advance for your reply.



talldarkman said...

I am not Nature...nor have i been given the right to talk on Her behalf....but maybe it's an indication...that the season is about to change...and / or perhaps you are exerting too much...and need some rest.


saltyfish said...

well, tdm, you answered a question here that I didnt't even ask ;)
I'm asking Nature to tell me why she invented common colds in the first place, not why I am suffering from one just now.

inserachofmuse said...

nature created cold so that when your you are perceptive to warmth?
this sounds obtuse?

saltyfish said...

certainly, but what about colds as an illness?

Wanna said...

colds r nature's way of saying.....

saltyfish said...

like where? :p