Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teaching today

Could be the title of a magazine .. or maybe it is.

So .. what I noticed when working is that today, my hands (face, pants) aren't covered in chalk anymore but - me still being the same clumsy, messy girl - in four colours of whiteboard marker. Nice, eh.

And.. they say that you teach according to your own learning preferences - I never thought I did. I am a visual type (like many) but besides writing words down and making (admittedly horrible) drawings, I pronounce very clearly, make my students listen to texts and dialogues as well as talk a lot.
But lately I realised that I do teach the way I like to learn. I love to play. It's probably due to being a single child and not having girls my age in the village where I grew up - you can get me to do anything if you put it as a game or a dare.
So anyway, I didn't play enough as a child (that I mentally still am) and so I "force" my students to play little games in class more often than not. Mind you, my students are exclusively adults, aged from their early twenties to late fifties. Should that worry me?

PS: Sorry for being so Lorelai again ;-)


talldarkman said...

so long as your students know...what you want them to know. ;)

btw, what games do you play? :->


saltyfish said...

well I think so :-s

games like the ABC game, memory, puzzle, quizzes, hangman .. the list is endless ;)

Anonymous said...

I, for one would love to be your student :)

saltyfish said...

what would you like me to teach you? :)