Sunday, February 21, 2010

Up in the air

Up in the air is a movie that tells the story of Ryan (George Clooney) who lives to crisscross the country and fire people as humanly as possible if their bosses are too chicken to do it themselves. He spends more time in airplanes than at home, is a special customer with hotel chains like the Hilton and perceives the 40 odd days a year that he actually has to live in his own apartment as miserable. Ryan has brought flying to perfection, packs super efficiently, knows which check-in lines take the longest and collects miles as an end in itself.

But in fact, it is a movie about a man whose motto in life is to travel light. No commitments, no strings, no faux sentiments or deep feelings. Possessions weigh you down, people hold you back.

It is also the story of Natalie (Anna Kendrick) who turned down her dream job in San Francisco to follow a man who might have been "the one" to Omaha where she turns Ryan's routine upside down by introducing a system that allows to fire people per video conference.

And then there is Alex (Vera Farmiga), apparent business woman on the outside, frequent flier just like Ryan. She is a lady with whom he spends pleasant moments - no strings attached - and who gets him thinking about his life as it is. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone besides you? Is life maybe better when you have company?

In the end, Ryan is back to square one. It turns out that his philosophy of life with the self-imposed rules of aloofness and distance is the best one, certainly for him. Natalie leaves the company after a lady she had to fire killed herself, and applies for the job of her dreams. The video system is dismissed. Ryan keeps living his life and Alex hers. Everybody wins - or almost.


talldarkman said...

Have heard about this movie. Seems an interesting subject.


saltyfish said...

It is. I recommend.

A 2 Z said...

Well that first paragraph describes my husband to a "T" except for the job description. How I put up with him being away all these years while I was home (working as an elementary school teacher) and raising his 2 kids is beyond me. Breathe! OK I feel better now. I wanted to see this movie but its not playing at the cinema anymore. I will rent it but I'm wondering about my reaction as it will "hit" home a bit too much!

saltyfish said...

Anne-Marie, it is interesting to watch the movie if the topic doesn't concern you but I would be curious (and a little apprehensive) to know how you perceive it. Please let me know when you've watched it.

talldarkman said...

watched that movie....when i was up in the air....:P


saltyfish said...

how apt ;)

A 2 Z said...

Hi Salty,

Finally watched it with my husband. I really loved it and George is not hard to look at either. I like the part when her sister says that she never thought of him as part of the family and you can see that he is hurt by it. Its really a comment of how many people live their life nowadays: everything is up in the air!

saltyfish said...

Hi Anne-Marie,
I totally agree with you (just need to look at my own life), it is becoming more and more rare to feel really "grounded".
And you're right about George ;-)