Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Survivor

Christmas is over. I spent it with my parents at their house. Now I am back home and I'm really really relieved. Not that I don't love my parents, mind you. I do, and I like spending time with them, at my place or theirs.

I once said that one week is the limit. Beyond that, mum and I would start bickering, picking at each other and just annoying one another. This time again, I tried to stretch the limits - to 11 days - but the elastic band of my patience flipped right back. On Thursday, I started counting the days till I would be leaving for home. No catastrophe happened, no big fight. I'm just a grown-up now, one who wants to live her own life, in her own place, by her own rules and wishes.

Am I an ungrateful spoilt brat? Maybe .. but I like the way I turned out. I'm polite enough to say "yes, mum, sure", peaceloving enough to think 'what's the harm, let's do it their way here' and intelligent enough to see when it's necessary to fight and when better to keep quiet.


talldarkman said...

*thinking smiley*


saltyfish said...

that's all, tdm? ;)

Anonymous said...

I like your elastic concept. This is very much common with all. Sometimes what I feel is that, "Elasticity is directly proportional to Love . The more you Love, the more Elasticity you have . "

saltyfish said...

So you're implying that I don't love enough?

Anonymous said...

Ohh..No ! i know, you have lots of Love in you .

saltyfish said...

that made me smile :)
thank you for the confidence in me

inserachofmuse said...


hope to keep in touch this season through more writings - Check out mine at

Will keep posting here

saltyfish said...


you have a blogspot thingy! have to check it out right now..
yes, do keep in touch .. and have an awefully happy new year!

North By North East said...

I second Jens second :)

saltyfish said...

you guys are pretty perceptive :)