Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Complaints Choir (and a few solutions)

1 - A few of my students are leaving which means less income for me.
("Boss, btw, I have open capacities..." - "Good to know, we will get back to you sooner than you think")

2 - My mum doesn't like my apartment.
(Yes, and so? Which law says that your own and your parents' taste has to match in everything? I like my place, and that's what counts!)

3 - C. decided that she doesn't want to go to India because it's not for her after all.
(So I will go with M., try to convince my mum or join a travelling group.)

4 - S. is making Hindi class a power struggle between her and the teacher. Thus it's less fun for me and I don't know which side to take because I understand them both in a way.
(Their fight is not mine, I don't have to take sides. I can learn under any circumstances and that's what I'm going to do because I have paid for the course and I intend to take the max out of it! *determined look*)

5 - I can't go to Greece with friends in November as planned, due to financial reasons.
(Postpone. I survived 32 years without going to Greece, another one won't kill me.)

6 - Coughing today.
(Ignore it. Denial and vitamin C work best against an upcoming cold :p.)

Yes, things in life can go wrong, there are setbacks... but cribbing and moping won't help... nor will pitying yourself. Stand up, attack your problems and if you need it, ask for help!

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