Monday, October 20, 2008

What kind of blog?

I've seen a few blogs before starting one myself. And every time I browsed through one, I wondered: Like this? Or like that one maybe?

The first one I saw must have been Nitin's. Serious and elaborate observations, many posts related to (his own) music, to movies and these two topics combined. Not for me - too much of thinking and research required.

Next in line was talldarkman's. Stories about his journeys mainly, written in a witty, funny and entertaining way. But although being a basically happy and humorous person in life, I don't seem able to write that way. Off the list too.

"Ashes" (ashhh for me) showed me his blog next. Ok, "showed" might be slightly exaggerated. He had no idea that I would go through all of his posts, dating a few years back even. But I did. And I liked what I saw - poems, short stories, random thoughts, pictures. I knew right away that I would never get there so I didn't even attempt to. But in a way, his style of writing is what I'm looking out for (without trying to copy of course).

Hue's (second's) blogspot is a place I keep returning to. Her posts are sometimes funny, sometimes touching, one particularly sweet (you know which one I'm talking about) and often helpful. She shares her experience and observations with the reader in her own smart, funny and unique way. As mentioned above - writing funnily is not that easy.

The latest one I came across is wanna's. Short posts, clearly more for himself than for anyone else to read, they are relatively personal, like a diary. Therefore I sometimes feel like an intruder when going there but sorry, wanna, can't resist. Wanna mixes his own thoughts with well-placed quotes and writes in a way that makes me want to react instantly. I'm not sure what it takes to write like that but I'm quite certain that I don't have it.

Now what would I like my "blogspot thingy" to resemble? None of the above, even though I admire them all. I just want to pour out (sometimes puke out) my thoughts, my emotions, my experiences, my points of view, my anger and my joy. Mostly in prose, sometimes in poetry. Thoughts that I want to share, thoughts that I'm almost embarrassed about.
My blog will be my personal vanity fair, the hub of my very own thought-universe, my self-centred little platform of ideas.

A somewhat altered ashhh-quote at the end that will be the motto and headline for my blog:
If you like what I am writing, I'm happy. If you don't, I couldn't care less.


talldarkman said...

hey, great blog....I will be visiting this space more often...:)


Flash said...

just write in your own style , and that wud be the best one you are most comfortable with. Keep writing .And Believe me, your style of writing also is unique .