Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Experiment

I've been a vegetarian for 15 years now. It took me a while to take that step
but then, like with most of my decisions, it happened rather suddenly.
Now I will take it one step further - go vegan. From today, 6th March till Easter for now. Just to try, to see how it would go and if I can.

Thoughts beforehand: What about protein? And vitamin D? Should I take anything? Nah, it's just a few weeks and if I should have a deficiency in whatsoever, it won't kill me. I'm not gonna live off berries and nuts in the wood after all. What about yogurt, how do I replace that? Milk, eggs and cheese I can do without, no problem. Which sweets? Can I eat sweets at all? Yes, I can. Jalebi, dark chocolate, some pastry .. not store bought ones but oh well. So let's go for it!

Day 2:

Last night, I almost starved because I didn't know what I could eat.
Had bread with some vegan spread (yes, I check the ingredient list even more thoroughly now) and green tea, as black tea with soy drink instead of milk is not that great. And then what? Oh yea, I made jalebi, just to see and for any in-case-situation ;-).

Today, I'm craving milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is allowed (yup,
checked), so if the desire doesn't pass, that's what I'll have. I'm so grateful for Indian cuisine and snacks. So I will take these weeks as an opportunity to try out even more. Today's find: gunpowder.

Dessert, dessert .. milkshake.. err.. soy drink shake with banana,
peanut butter and, wait, Ovomaltine is out, so pure cocoa powder plus some jaggery. Yummy.
And tomorrow: chutneys.


Anonymous said...

I like south indian breakfast, daal and parathas.I used to be a chocoholic but now i have to stop it becoz of my tooth braces, they really hurt me . wow, i like jelebis when they are hot !
why u need to starve, when u have these many options ?

saltyfish said...

When you're used to one way of eating and suddenly some things are taken away, you don't see the new options but only the missing ones. It's like it was on my first day as a vegetarian back then - I just didn't know what to eat, for a day or so. But I'll be adapting fast.

talldarkman said...

You are trying in vain. You will never be size 0. Give it up.


saltyfish said...

It's not about dieting, tdm, and I'm not even aiming for a size 0. I'm conducting this experiment to test my will-power, discover new possibilities and somewhat to break the routine, too.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are in love with some veggie . Otherwise, why would one think of going other way so strongly, I don't find any other genuine reason. If this is the case, do you really think that a change in your eating habit will impress someone and makes you love ?

inserachofmuse said...

milk choclates and jalebi too sis? Stomach networks aligned too? And why the hell does one need to be in love to experiment with anything? TDM what is size zero? Go sis, tuck in that dark belgian choclate

saltyfish said...

muah sis, i knew you would understand me! and the aligned stomach networks don't surprise me ... love you!

saltyfish said...

Vish - and you thought you know me, after reading just one of my posts? ts ts, you couldn't be more wrong.
I don't do things to impress anyone, in fact, I couldn't care less. And no, I'm not "in love with some veggie", other than myself

Anonymous said...

I'm bit late to reply, but I certainly need to reply few things: "why the hell does one need to be in love to experiment with anything" : Show me lot of immature sometimes call it as rudiment, arrogance, short tempered, ignorance all kinds. I do want to go beyond this .

Saltyfish: I don't want you to get offended by love or to impress someone by something ..Do you know in India many people does fasting on some particular days ..'not because they want to experiment the fasting, because they want to show there love by fasting' .

saltyfish said...

Vish - yes, I'm aware of that. Isn't it mostly the women who fast for the sake of their fiancés/husbands? Well, that's not the case with me. There is no love involved here, except for the one to experimenting.